When I went to Italy for a friend's wedding last year, I had a friend that told me to go to One Flew South in the Atlanta airport. It's a restaurant that's both delicious and unexpected. He said go and sit at the bar. There will always be someone there to strike up a conversation with and the bartenders are many of the same from years past. When I got to the host stand, they said it could be a few minutes to sit at the bar. I insisted that we wait, and oh was it worth it. The hours passed and the cocktails flew. It wasn't cheap, but worth every penny. The experience was just as good as any that I had on the trip to Italy. There is always fun in making something special out of what would be the mundane. On that trip, and in general, I often went to sit at varying bars. I had a million conversations that I would have never had. It just goes to show that when you let go to the unexpected, you never know what conversations may enrich you or liven a dull layover with life.
I was with a girlfriend last night and we sat at a cozy table at a restaurant at first. Both living currently in varying forms of chaos, why not let go to the unexpected ? I went back and forth. Should we stay at the table or should we go to the bar ? I don't dislike a cozy table. A coffee and an intimate talk are sometimes needed.
We decided to stay at the cozy table and have a night cap at the bar. And would you know? We talked about bitters. We talked about cocktails and flavors. We talked to the girl next to us about her art. Always sit at the bar. When you're open to a little new conversation and want to shake things up. Always sit at the bar.