This is such a beautiful piece of writing, and it broke something in me that finally needed to break. I have been severely ill with long Covid for four years and was unable to travel out of state last April to visit my beloved Dad on his death bed or to attend his funeral. It hurt beyond words, but somehow the hurt shut down prematurely (maybe to save me from completely going under) and I've just been numb ever since. But the beautiful death ritual you shared with your beloved Mocha somehow became the death ritual I needed to go through with my beloved Daddy, and that soaking rain leaked its way into my heart through the tiny cracks and finally blew it open. I have cried for you, for Mocha, for my Daddy, for all of us who love and hurt and lose and heal and somehow go on to love another day. I wish Mocha well on her journey and you well on yours, knowing with every confidence we will be reunited again someday with all those we have loved and who will continue to love and hold us from the other side.

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Love you, my friend. Mocha was the most special of girls. <3

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My heart is with you and Mocha🐾❤️‍🩹

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It might have been the photos and videos of Mocha that first had me paying attention to your sub stack and social feeds. I will miss seeing her in the kitchen and garden. Thank you for writing Mocha's story. It is a remarkable act of remembrance that you've shared.

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Susan Gallion

Alex, Mocha was a beautiful, sweet girl and she will always be with you. You were a great momma. I love you.

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